Rain did not stop play !

August 2023

“Y’know, one thing that stood out for us was what a generous and kind hearted group you all are.  The way you looked after each other and supported each was special, and it left a real positive energy” (Will and Tamsin).

Despite the inclement weather (persistent rain with a capital P) , 14 Muscles descended upon the Hasketon home of Will and Tamsin in Suffolk who had been successful in their bid for MFC at auction, having made a donation to the charity INSPIRE https://inspiresuffolk.org.uk/  

The team were tasked with woodland clearing , tree removal , logging said trees , driveway repairs , undergrowth removal and the pièce de résistance – removal of foliage and pieces of old wood from the impressive pigpen. 

As usual the team worked in unison to ensure that all jobs were completed to the satisfaction of our customers. 

MFC Hours 42 

Great looking bunch

A Drove of Pigs

One of many

Health and safety at its best

The road gang

Father Christmas dress rehearsal

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