MFC by the Sea !

June 2023 – Muscles came to the aid of local Felixstowe resident Jan who was in need of some assistance to finish off a pathway that had been expertly prepared by her late husband Jim. Lady Sarah (the real one not the cement mixer) proved to be an excellent host and kept the team fed and watered with her fine culinary skills (thank you Sarah). Steve (City and Guilds Ludo champion) was kept gainfully employed laying the concrete slabs as the team worked in clockwork unison to deliver a first class job. Nine Muscles completed the job in 5 hrs therefore adding 45hrs to our ever changing total. Jan has made a donation the Air Ambulance Service (thank you Jan).

Prepared pathway

Steve describing his recent nose enhancement procedure.

Kevin (should have used the mixer).

Westminster expert stonemasons recruited for the many cuts required.

Forewoman on site !

It was him with the yellow muffs !

Top Team

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